Gezin: Johannes Janszen (Hans) Van Noordstrant / Jenneken Geeridt Henrick Geeridts de jonge Teulings (F2346)
getr. 29 nov 1652-
Johannes Janszen (Hans) Van Noordstrant
Geboorte ca. 1600 Schleswig-Holstein (Denemarken / Duitsland) Overlijden 1 apr 1690 Flatlands, now part of Brooklyn Begraven Huwelijk 29 nov 1652 Nieuw Amsterdam (Brooklyn, New York) Vader Moeder
Jenneken Geeridt Henrick Geeridts de jonge Teulings
Geboorte ca. 1592 Loon op Zand Overlijden Begraven Vader Gerard Hendrik Gerard (Geeraerdt Hendrick) (Gerard Hendrik Gerard Molder) (Geeridt Hendrick Geeridts Teulings) Teulings | F28 Gezinsblad Moeder Catharina Jan Anton (Lijntken Jan Thonis) (Lijntien Jan Anthonis) de Wolff | F28 Gezinsblad
Just like browsing through an encyclopaedia, a search on the world wide web can lead to unexpected and surprising discoveries.[1] While searching for something completely different I happened to encounter a website containing the marriage registers of the Dutch Reformed Church in New Amsterdam (present-day new York), starting from the 11th of December 1639. The search engine brought me to the page concerning the year 1652 and there I noticed: Janneken Gerrits van Loon op't Sandt in de Mayerye Van den Bosch.[2] Loon op Zand (as the name of the village is now spelled) happens to be the place where I live and as I am interested in local history the item caught my eye.[3] To find someone from Loon op Zand getting married in New York in 1652 is not an everyday occurrence.